Provided Post-Functions

The following post-functions are provided by catworkx Post-Functions:

[cwx] Copy Space 

Copies a space in Confluence including all page owner names, permissions, attachments and comments.

Required information:

  • Select the application link to use. If it left empty, the default will be used.
  • Run as user: (Optional) User on the Jira system is used to perform the post-function. This user needs to have authorized application link access to Confluence. The user is saved by name.
  • Source Space Key: Confluence space key of the source space. The source space key is used if the the "Space Key Field" custom field is empty.
  • Backup Source Space Key: Confluence space key of the source backup space.
  • Space Key Field: Custom field that contains the key of the target Confluence space.
  • Space Name Field: Custom field that contains the name of the target Confluence space.
  • Space Admin User Field: (Optional) Custom field that contains the space admin of the target Confluence space.
  • Space Reference Field: "CWX Space Field" custom field to save a reference to the target space.
  • Page Id Field: Select the custom field that stores the  ID of the new space's root page.
  • Only execute if checkbox is set: Select a checkbox custom field that has to be set to copy the space.

Field to function parameter mapping:

[cwx] Link to Space

Creates a link to a Confluence space using the configured name.

Required information:

  • Select the application link to use. If it left empty, the default will be used.
  • Space Key Field: Custom field that contains the key of the target Confluence space.
  • Space Name Field: Custom field that contains the name of the target Confluence space.
  • Run as user: (Optional) User on the Jira system is used to perform the post-function. This user needs to have authorized application link access to Confluence. The user is saved by name.
  • Only execute if checkbox is set: Select a checkbox custom field that has to be set to link to the space.

Field to function parameter mapping:

Replaces all occurrences of a specified text string in a Confluence page (including title). A new version of the page is created.

Required information:

  • Select the application link to use. If it left empty, the default will be used.
  • Run as user: (Optional) User on the Jira system is used to perform the post-function. This user needs to have authorized application link access to Confluence. The user is saved by name.
  • Space Key Field: Custom field that contains the key of the target Confluence space.
  • Page Name: Custom field that contains the name of the page you want to replace content in.
  • Replace ... with ...: In the first textbox, enter the text string you want to replace on the selected page. In the second textbox, enter the text that should be inserted. To enter another replacement, click Add at the right.
    Both text boxes are case sensitive!
  • Only execute if checkbox is set: Select a checkbox custom field that has to be set to replace the text.
    Execute the Confluence call with a specified delay. This can be useful in case there are references from Confluence page to the JIRA issue. (In previous versions this value was fix at 5 seconds).

Field to function parameter mapping:

[cwx] Un/archive Space

Archives or unarchives a Confluence space.

Required information:

  • Action: Select the action to perform: archive or unarchive.
  • Confluence Application Link: Select the application link to use. If it left empty, the default will be used.
  • Space Field: Custom field that contains the key or reference to the target Confluence space.
  • Run as user: (Optional) User on the Jira system is used to perform the post-function. This user needs to have authorized application link access to Confluence. The user is saved by name.

[cwx] Add Users to Role in Space

Add users to a role in a Confluence space. (This requires a configured IPUP Confluence App running on the Confluence instance, which you can obtain from catworkx.)

Required information:

  • Confluence Application Link: Select the application link to use. If it left empty, the default will be used.
  • Users Field: Custom field that contains the users that will be added to the Confluence role. These users also need to exist on the Confluence instance.
  • Space Field: Custom field that contains the key or reference to the target Confluence space.
  • Role: The name of the role you want to add the users to. You need to configure this role in the IPUP Confluence App (in Confluence).
  • Run as user: (Optional) User on the Jira system is used to perform the post-function. This user needs to have authorized application link access to Confluence. The user is saved by name.