General Configuration

The "Configuration" module has two sections:


In the "General" section, you can activate and deactivate the GUI items of Teamworkx Issue Publisher.

  • Show main publish button: Activate to display the "Publish issue" option in the "More" menu.
  • Show secondary publish button: Activate to display the "Publish" button in the top right corner.


In the "Server" section, you can add all servers you want to publish information to. Supported are:

  • Bamboo
  • Bitbucket
  • Confluence
  • Jira
  • Other

These servers are accessed via REST and not using application links. Use the Send web request single issue action or Send web request multi issue action to send web requests to these servers (e.g., create a new repository in Bitbucket).

To add a new server, select Add Custom Server and enter the appropriate information in the dialog.

For "Other" servers, you can also enter the required HTTP headers.

From the "Default Confluence Server" drop-down menu in the "Server" section, you can select the Confluence server you want to use as fallback whenever the one configured can't be found.