Provided Post-Functions - v7.0.1.7

The following post-functions are provided by catWorkX Project Metadata:

[cwx] Set Metadata value from Custom Field

This post-function sets a custom field value as metadata value for a specified project.

Required information:

  • Project Field: Select the custom field that contains the project on which metadata should be set.
  • Metadata Key: Enter the key of the metadata you want to set the value for.
  • Value Field: Select the custom field that contains the value to be used as metadata value.

Field to function parameter mapping:


[cwx] Set field value from Project Metadata

This post-functions copies the value of a project metadata into a custom field.

Required information:

  • Source project metadata name (key): Enter the key of the project metadata you want to copy the value from.
  • Destination issue field: Select the custom field to store the project metadata value.

Field to function parameter mapping: