Teamworkx Issue Publisher for Jira (Server/Data Center)

With Teamworkx Issue Publisher for Jira, you can automatically create and update Confluence pages, send emails and HTTP requests or create PDF documents or text files (e.g. markdown) that include current data of your Jira issue(s). This allows you to generate project documentation, contracts, offers, invoices, "What's new" pages, e.g. automatically out of a Jira application (Jira Work Management, Jira Software, Jira Service Management).

Any field values of a Jira issue can be published using Issue Publisher for Jira. This can be done automatically during a transition via a post-function or reacting to an event as well as manually via a "Publish Issue" action in the issue view. To define the layout of a documentation, simply add the Jira Field Value macro (provided by the free Issue Publisher Macros for Confluence app) to a Confluence page. The macro is used as placeholder and you can configure what Jira issue information should be inserted.

Export a Confluence page in storage format and add it as a template in the Issue Publisher configuration in Jira. The Jira application replaces all placeholders for system and custom fields used in the template by the current field values at the moment when the documentation page is created. Using the page history of Confluence, you can access previous versions of the issue documentation to inform yourself about the issue's progress.

To use the Jira Field Value macro, you also have to install the Issue Publisher Macros for Confluence app on your Confluence server.