Provided Validators

The following validators are provided by catworkx Bamboo Integrations:

[cwx] Bamboo Application Link OAuth Validator

Validates if a user is authenticated for a given application link.

Required information:

  • Application Link: Select the application link to your Bamboo application.

The [cwx] Bamboo Application Link OAuth Validator has to be added before you add any other validators from this add-on.

[cwx] Bamboo Plan Name Validator

Validates that a plan exists and the plan name is not already used.

Required information:

  • Application Link: Select the application link to your Bamboo application.

  • Project Key Field: Select the "CWX Bitbucket Project Picker" custom field where the Bitbucket project is stored.

    Before you can use catworkx Bamboo integration for JIRA, an initial project in Bamboo has to exist.

  • Plan Name Field: Select the custom field where the name of the Bamboo plan is stored.