In order to minimise network traffic from the client perspective, our API uses a technique called expansion.
You can use the expand query parameter to specify a comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded, identifying each entity by a given identifier. For example, the value space,attachments requests the expansion of entities for which the expand identifier is space and attachments.
You can use the . dot notation to specify expansion of entities within another entity. For example body.view would expand the content body and expand the view rendering of it.
Creates a new space with the given information based on a given template space.
POST /cwxapiextension/latest/spaces/copySpace?{URI_PARAMS}
POST /cwxapiextension/latest/spaces/copySpace?sourceSpaceKey=TEMP&targetSpaceKey=DEMO&targetSpaceTitle=DemoSpace&targetSpaceAdmin=username&removeAdminPermissions=true&keepPagesMetadata=false
URI Parameters
POST /cwxapiextension/latest/spaces/copySpace?{URI_PARAMS}
@param sourceSpaceKey the space to copy (String)
@param targetSpaceKey key for the new space (String)
@param targetSpaceTitle title for the new space (String)
@param targetSpaceAdmin the admin user to use (keep empty to pick a default admin) (String)
@param removeAdminPermissions if the admin user should be removed from space permissions (Boolean)
@param keepPagesMetadata if the page metadata of the template space should be kept (authors, dates) (Boolean)
Check if a space with the given space key and space name already exists.
POST /cwxapiextension/latest/spaces/isUnique?{URI_PARAMS}
POST /cwxapiextension/latest/spaces/isUnique?spaceKey=DEMO&spaceName=DemoSpace
POST /cwxapiextension/latest/spaces/isUnique?{URI_PARAMS}
@param spaceKey (String)
@param spaceName (String)
Replace text in page body and title
POST /cwxapiextension/latest/spaces/replaceInPage?{URI_PARAMS}