Provided Post-Functions

The following post-functions are provided by catworkx Post-Functions for Jira:

[cwx] Set date to Customfield

This post-function sets a date-field to today.

Required information:

  • Customfields of Datetype: Select the custom field where the current date should be set.

Field to function parameter mapping:

[cwx] Set Duedate Function (Now + 2 Days)

This post-function sets the due date to today plus 2 days.

This post-function does not require any parameters.

[cwx] Set Duedate Function (Now)

This post-function sets the due date to today.

This post-function does not require any parameters.

[cwx] Set Duedate to Now + X Days

This post-function sets the due date to today plus a specific number of days.

Required information:

  • Days: Enter the number of days on which the due date is to be set.

Field to function parameter mapping:

[cwx] Add user to Multi-User-Customfield

This post-function adds a reporter, assignee, current user or an user of a custom field to a multi-user custom field.

Required information:

  • From: Select the user custom field where the user/s will be taken from.
  • To: Select the multi-user custom field where the user/s will be added.

Field to function parameter mapping:

[cwx] Remove user(s) from multi-user custom field

This post-function removes a reporter, assignee, current user or user of a custom field from a multi-user custom field.

Required information:

  • From: Select the custom field where the user/s will be taken from.
  • To: Select the field where the user/s will be removed from.

Field to function parameter mapping:

[cwx] Progress linked issues

This post-function executes a specific transition on a linked issue.

Required information:

  • Link type: Select the link type that is used between the current issue and the issue that should be progressed.
  • Direction: Select the direction of the link.
  • Transition: Enter the Name of the transition that should be executed (e.g. Start Progress).
  • Progress Transistion as: Select the user as whicht the transition is executed.

Field to function parameter mapping:

[cwx] Change issue type and status

This post-function changes issue type and status of the current issue.

Required information:

  • Issue Type: Select the target issue type the issue will be transferred to.
  • Status: Select the target status that will be set for the issue.

This post-function should be last on the list of post-functions in a workflow

Field to function parameter mapping: