Deprecated Post-Functions

The following post-functions of catworkx Extended Group Management are deprecated:

[cwx] [deprecated] Create or update Group in Bitbucket Function

This post-function creates or updates a group from selected users in Bitbucket.

Required information:

  • Application Link: Select the application link to Bitbucket you want to use.
  • Name Field: Select the custom field that stores the group name.
  • Users Field: Select the multi user picker custom field that contains the users you want to add to the group.
  • Run as User: (Optional) Select the user you want to use to access on Bitbucket.

Field to function parameter mapping:

To use this post-function, you have to create an application link from Jira to Bitbucket.

[cwx] [deprecated] Create or update Group in Confluence Function

This post-function creates or updates a group from selected users in Confluence.

Required information:

  • Application Link: Select the application link to Confluence you want to use.
  • Name Field: Select the custom field that stores the group name.
  • Users Field: Select the multi user picker custom field that contains the users you want to add to the group.
  • Run as User: (Optional) Select the user you want to use to access on Confluence.

Field to function parameter mapping:

To use this post-function, you have to create an application link from Jira to Confluence.