Iterate over issues or other items

Add the loop step

To iterate over other issues, e.g. the sub-tasks of the current issue, or other items add a new step to you operation and select the action Iterate over issues or other items.

Enter the following information:

  • Name: Enter a name for this step. If left empty, the below action text will be used.
  • Item Type: Choose the type of item you want to iterate over.
    The following options are available:
    • Use a JQL search to find related issues

    • Other related issues

    • Other related items

  • Depending on the above selction:
    • JQL Search: Enter a JQL search to find up to 100 related issues, e.g. parent = $issue.key to get the sub-tasks
    • Issues: Use the $valueCollector variable to collect the related issues, e.g. $valueCollector.addAll($issue.subtasks) to collect the sub-tasks
    • Items: Use the $valueCollector variable to collect the related items, e.g. $valueCollector.addAll($fieldHelper.getValue("My multi user picker field"))
  • Error Handling: Select whether to fail the operation in case of an error within this step (Fail) or to ignore them (Ignore). The default should be Fail, especially if the next step depends on this one. 

Add a child step

To add a child step to your loop, click the indented Add Step link after the Iterate over issues or other items step.

When iterating over issues the $issue variable will contain the current issue from the loop. To access the issue the operation was triggered on use $mainIssue.

When iterating over items the $item variable will contain the current item from the loop.

Add an additional step after the loop

To add an additional step after the loop, click the Add Step link with the same indentation as the Iterate over issues or other items step.