Configure the REST Interface - v70.40.8.5

To configure which fields are editable in the "Create Issue" dialog, do the following as OTRS administrator:

  1. In the OTRS dashboard, select the Admin tab.
  2. In the Admin tab, select SysConfig in the "System Administration" section.

    The "SysConfig" dialog appears.
  3. In the "Actions" section, search for jira.
    The search results are displayed on the right.
  4. Select Core:REST in the list of search results.
    A list of settings is displayed. In this dialog, you can configure the following:

    TicketJIRA###URLEnter the JIRA base URL.
    TicketJIRA###PathEnter the path of the REST API.

    Enter the name of the JIRA user being used for system login.

    You have to create this user and assign him the project administrator role in JIRA. He must have the "Create Issue" and "Assignable User" permission.

    This user must also be specified in the JIRA_SPECIAL_USER parameter in the configuration file on your JIRA server.

    TicketJIRA###PasswordEnter the password of the JIRA user being used for system login.
    TicketJIRA###ReporterEnter the name of the JIRA user who will become the issue reporter when creating JIRA issues from OTRS tickets automatically.
    TicketJIRA###AssigneeEnter the name of the JIRA user who will become the first issue assignee.
    JIRA::NoAssigneeEnable if you do not want to send the assignee to JIRA.
    Enter the name of the OTRS user the JIRA add-on uses for authentication at OTRS .

    You have to create this user on the OTRS server.

    This parameter is required for breaking update loop.

    TicketJIRA###WorkflowCloseActionNameEnter a JIRA workflow transition which will be used for closing an issue, when closing the linked OTRS ticket.


    Enter a list of OTRS ticket states for creating a JIRA issue via an update OTRS ticket event.


    Setting an OTRS ticket to one of the specified states of the list during ticket create, a update event is not thrown.

    This parameter is evaluated when the state changes or the user pushes the escalate button.


    Enter a list of OTRS ticket states for closing a JIRA issue via an update ticket event in conjunction with the specified workflow transition


    Enter a list of OTRS ticket states triggering synchronization of linked JIRA issues on update.

    Enter a JIRA project where new newly created issues will be located.
    TicketJIRA###IssueTypeEnter a JIRA issue type being used for automated issue creation.


    Enter the used date and date/time format. (Typically you will not change it here.)
    TicketJIRA###JIRA-DateFormatEnter the used date and date format. (Typically you will not change it here.)

    Enter the field mapping as key/content pairs:

    • You can use standard fields, dynamic fields as well as a functional mapping to copy them to corresponding JIRA issue fields.
    • For complex mapping, functions have to be implemented separately, see the demo package under Downloads.
    • Make sure that mapped fields are type conform. The connector does not support error handling on wrong types up to now.
    • Options fields are mapped on a key base. Make sure the keys are available in JIRA.
    • To transform date fields, make sure that the JIRA user being used for system login has English chosen as the preferred language.
    • You can also override the project, issue type or assignee by specifying them on the right hand side. For example:

      • std:summary
      • std:description
      • std:project:key or std:project:id
      • std:issuetype:name or std:issuetype:id
      • std:priority:name or std:priority:id
      • std:reporter:name
      • std:assignee:name
      • cust:<YourCustomFieldName>


    For OTRS 4 the custom field ID of the "OTRSTicketID" field has to be set.
    JIRA::CacheTTLEnter the time to live for the cache.
    JIRA::SSLVerifySelect if you want to verify hostname for SSL connections.
    JIRA::ProjectWhitelistActivate white-listing for projects using regular expressions. Only project keys that matches at least one of those regular expressions are shown in the project dropdown (JIRA dialog).
    JIRA::ProjectBlacklistActivate black-listing for projects using regular expressions. Only project keys that matches at least one of those regular expressions are excluded from the project drop-down.
  5. Click Update to activate your changes.