How to activate debug logging for the Jira app
How to activate debug logging for the OTRS Integration for Jira app.
In the Jira Administration go to Logging and profiling and click Configure logging level for another package enter de.catworkx.jira.plugins.otrs
and select DEBUG
The requests to OTRS contain the username and password. Before sending the contents of the log file to someone, e.g. the catWorkX support, you might want to replace the password, e.g. by ***.
When debug logging is not required anymore the log level should be switched back to the default WARNING
For this go to Logging and profiling again and scroll down. In the Logging and profiling section find de.catworkx.jira.plugins.otrs
and click the WARNING
link on the right side. If there is no such entry, this means that the log level is not set and therefore the default WARNING
is active. This happens whenever Jira is restarted.