Configure App

To configure catworkx Project Metadata, do the following on the Jira server:

  1. Log into the Jira server as administrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select Manage apps.
    In the left side bar there should be a section "Project Metadata" that has a "Permissions Settings" item.
  3. Select Permissions Settings.
    The "Project Metadata Permissions Settings" dialog is displayed.
    In this dialog, you can specify the groups and roles that are allowed to:
    • View metadata
    • Edit metadata
    • Create metadata
    • Delete metadata

    If all fields are left empty, every project admin can access all Project Metadata functionality.

  4. In the first textboxes, select the groups that are granted with the permission.
  5. In the second textboxes, select the roles that are granted with the permission.
  6. Click Save.