Push Service

To configure your service settings, do the following as administrator:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Manage apps.
    In the left side bar there should be a section "Teamworkx Push and Pull Favorites" that contains the following links:
    • Push Service
    • Dashboard Order
  2. Click Push Service.
    The "Push and Pull Favorites - Service Settings" dialog appears.
  3. Do the following:

    Configure Scheduling

    In the "Scheduling" section of the "Push and Pull Favorites - Service Settings" dialog, you can schedule the service.

    The following options are available:

    • Every hour: Select this option to run the service once every full hour.
    • Every day at: Select this option and enter a time to run the service once every day.
    • Advanced (cron expression): Select this option for more advanced scheduling. Enter a cron expression in the textbox. Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. Cron is most suitable for scheduling repetitive tasks.

      More information about cron and the cron syntax you find on Wikipedia.

      The cron expression you enter should at least contain 5 entries, but not more than 6. Please note, that day-of-the-week and day-of-the-month should not be both asterisks.


      • Every 15 minutes:

        0/15 * * * *
      • Every 30 minutes:

        0/30 * * * *
      • At 11 PM:

        0 23 * * *
      • At 5 AM and 11 PM:

        0 5,23 * * *

      An error message will be displayed, if you entered an invalid expression.

      Shared Dashboards are only distributed to those users who have permission to view any filters used in contained gadgets.

    Configure Filter

    In the "Filter" section of the "Push and Pull Favorites - Service Settings" dialog, you can specify users and/or groups whose shared filters will be set as favorites to all users being able to access the filters.

    In the "Filters" menu, you can select the filters you want to push to applicable users.

    Configure Dashboard

    In the "Dashboard" section of the "Push and Pull Favorites - Service Settings" dialog, you can specify users and/or groups whose dashboards will be set as favorites to all users being able to access the dashboards.

    You also can select the system dashboard to be pushed as favorite to all users.

    In the "Dashboards" menu, you can select the dashboards you want to push to applicable users.

  4. Then click Submit.