REST API Description
List all available issues in one Project
Request activity registration form |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DescriptionReturns the form data required for the event registration URL-Parameters
Request BodyNone Example Response"form": { "description": "Form for SolEventHandlerBean", "attributevalues": [ { "attribute": "body", "position": "0001", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "attribute": "method", "position": "0002", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "attribute": "path", "position": "0003", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "attribute": "host", "position": "0004", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "attribute": "port", "position": "0005", "type": "string", "value": "" } ] } | |||||||||||||||||||
Register activity |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DescriptionRegisters an Activity to trigger on an Issue Event URL-Parameters
Request BodyThe Body is the returned Form of the POST request Body Example"form": { "description": "Form for SolEventHandlerBean", "attributevalues": [ { "attribute": "body", "position": "0001", "type": "string", "value": "\\"info\\": \\"$issueKey$\\"" }, { "attribute": "method", "position": "0002", "type": "string", "value": "POST" }, { "attribute": "path", "position": "0003", "type": "string", "value": "/my/path/for/callbacks" }, { "attribute": "host", "position": "0004", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "attribute": "port", "position": "0005", "type": "string", "value": "80" } ] } | |||||||||||||||||||
Remove activity registration |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DescriptionRemoves a activity from the registration URL-Parameters
Request BodyNone |
Get event notification form |
| |||
DescriptionReturns the form required for an event notification URL-Parameters
Request BodyNone Example Response{ "form": { "identity": "EVENT", "type": "EXTERNAL_EVENT", "title": "Event form", "key": "/event/ISSUECREATED", "attributevalues": [ { "control": "required", "attribute": "MODE", "position": "0001", "type": "string", "title": "Mode", "value": "async" }, { "control": "required", "attribute": "OBJECTKEY", "position": "0002", "type": "String", "title": "Remote Object Key" } ] } } | ||||
Register an event notification |
| |||
DescriptionRegister an event notification URL-Parameters
Request BodyThe Body is the returned Form of the POST request |
Get attributes of Jira object |
| ||||||
DescriptionFeature is not yet available. URL-Parameters
Request BodyExample Respone{ "detailattributevalues": { "key": "/issue/DP-2", "attributevalues": [ { "valuedescription": "Project Key", "attribute": "projectKey", "position": "0001", "title": "Project Key", "type": "string", "value": "DP" }, { "valuedescription": "Issue Key", "attribute": "issueKey", "position": "0002", "title": "Issue Key", "type": "string", "value": "DP-2" }, { "attribute": "fixVersions", "position": "0003", "title": "Fix Version/s", "type": "array" }, { "attribute": "resolution", "position": "0006", "title": "Resolution", "type": "resolution" }, { "attribute": "customfield_10104", "position": "0011", "title": "Sprint", "type": "array" }, { "attribute": "customfield_10105", "position": "0013", "title": "Rang", "type": "any" }, { "valuedescription": "", "attribute": "customfield_10900", "position": "0017", "title": "External Issue Key", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "valuedescription": "2020-07-23T10:13:07.262+0200", "attribute": "lastViewed", "position": "0025", "title": "Last Viewed", "type": "datetime", "value": "2020-07-23T10:13:07.262+0200" }, { "valuedescription": "Medium", "attribute": "priority", "position": "0026", "title": "Priority", "type": "priority", "value": "3" }, { "attribute": "customfield_10100", "position": "0027", "title": "Epic-Verknüpfung", "type": "any" }, { "attribute": "labels", "position": "0028", "title": "Labels", "type": "array" }, { "valuedescription": 0.0, "attribute": "timeestimate", "position": "0033", "title": "Remaining Estimate", "type": "number", "value": 0.0 }, { "attribute": "aggregatetimeoriginalestimate", "position": "0034", "title": "Σ Original Estimate", "type": "number" }, { "attribute": "versions", "position": "0035", "title": "Affects Version/s", "type": "array" }, { "attribute": "issuelinks", "position": "0036", "title": "Linked Issues", "type": "array" }, { "attribute": "assignee", "position": "0037", "title": "Assignee", "type": "user" }, { "valuedescription": "To Do", "attribute": "status", "position": "0038", "title": "Status", "type": "status", "value": "10000" }, { "attribute": "components", "position": "0039", "title": "Component/s", "type": "array" }, { "valuedescription": 0.0, "attribute": "aggregatetimeestimate", "position": "0047", "title": "Σ Remaining Estimate", "type": "number", "value": 0.0 }, { "valuedescription": "admin", "attribute": "creator", "position": "0050", "title": "Creator", "type": "user", "value": "JIRAUSER10000" }, { "attribute": "subtasks", "position": "0051", "title": "Sub-Tasks", "type": "array" }, { "valuedescription": "admin", "attribute": "reporter", "position": "0052", "title": "Reporter", "type": "user", "value": "JIRAUSER10000" }, { "attribute": "aggregateprogress", "position": "0053", "title": "Σ Progress", "type": "progress" }, { "attribute": "customfield_11006", "position": "0054", "title": "issueFunction", "type": "any" }, { "attribute": "progress", "position": "0057", "title": "Progress", "type": "progress" }, { "attribute": "votes", "position": "0058", "title": "Votes", "type": "votes" }, { "valuedescription": "Aufgabe", "attribute": "issuetype", "position": "0059", "title": "Issue Type", "type": "issuetype", "value": "10002" }, { "valuedescription": 7200.0, "attribute": "timespent", "position": "0060", "title": "Time Spent", "type": "number", "value": 7200.0 }, { "valuedescription": "Demo Project", "attribute": "project", "position": "0061", "title": "Project", "type": "project", "value": "10500" }, { "valuedescription": 7200.0, "attribute": "aggregatetimespent", "position": "0065", "title": "Σ Time Spent", "type": "number", "value": 7200.0 }, { "valuedescription": "", "attribute": "resolutiondate", "position": "0074", "title": "Resolved", "type": "datetime", "value": "" }, { "valuedescription": "", "attribute": "customfield_10705", "position": "0075", "title": "Release Plan", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "valuedescription": -1.0, "attribute": "workratio", "position": "0078", "title": "Work Ratio", "type": "number", "value": -1.0 }, { "attribute": "watches", "position": "0081", "title": "Watchers", "type": "watches" }, { "valuedescription": "2020-07-23T10:08:33.918+0200", "attribute": "created", "position": "0082", "title": "Created", "type": "datetime", "value": "2020-07-23T10:08:33.918+0200" }, { "valuedescription": "2020-07-23T10:13:06.871+0200", "attribute": "updated", "position": "0084", "title": "Updated", "type": "datetime", "value": "2020-07-23T10:13:06.871+0200" }, { "attribute": "timeoriginalestimate", "position": "0085", "title": "Original Estimate", "type": "number" }, { "valuedescription": "We need a new App that extends the REST API.\r\nFurther details will be discussed in a personal meeting.\r\n", "attribute": "description", "position": "0086", "title": "Description", "type": "string", "value": "We need a new App that extends the REST API.\r\nFurther details will be discussed in a personal meeting.\r\n" }, { "attribute": "timetracking", "position": "0088", "title": "Time Tracking", "type": "timetracking" }, { "attribute": "attachment", "position": "0095", "title": "Attachment", "type": "array" }, { "valuedescription": "New App for extended REST API", "attribute": "summary", "position": "0098", "title": "Summary", "type": "string", "value": "New App for extended REST API" }, { "valuedescription": "", "attribute": "environment", "position": "0112", "title": "Environment", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "valuedescription": "", "attribute": "duedate", "position": "0120", "title": "Due Date", "type": "date", "value": "" } ] } } | |||||||
Get Jira object details |
| ||||||
DescriptionThe details for an object URL-Parameters
Request BodyNone Example Response{ "detail": { "identity": "DP-2", "type": "ISSUE", "title": "New App for extended REST API", "relationtypes": [ { "type": "attributevalues", "typedescription": "Attributevalues", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/attributevalues/issue/DP-2", "title": "Get Attributevalues" } ] } ], "key": "/issue/DP-2" }, "title": "Issue" } |
Request Create Issue Form |
| ||||||
DescriptionReturns the form data required for creating an issue URL-Parameters:
Request BodyNone Example Response{ "form": { "type": "ISSUE", "title": "Create Issue", "actions": [ { "method": "PUT", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/form/issue/dp/10002", "title": "Save ISSUE" } ], "key": "/issue/dp/10002", "attributevalues": [ { "control": "required", "attribute": "summary", "position": "0001", "title": "Summary", "type": "string" }, { "valuelist": [ { "valuedescription": "Aufgabe", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/secure/viewavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10318&avatarType=issuetype", "value": "10002" } ], "control": "required,readonly", "attribute": "issuetype", "position": "0002", "title": "Issue Type", "type": "issuetype" }, { "control": "readonly", "attribute": "attachment", "position": "0003", "title": "Attachment", "type": "array" }, { "attribute": "duedate", "position": "0004", "title": "Due Date", "type": "date" }, { "attribute": "description", "position": "0005", "title": "Description", "type": "string" }, { "valuelist": [ { "valuedescription": "Demo Project", "value": "10500" } ], "control": "required", "attribute": "project", "position": "0006", "title": "Project", "type": "project" }, { "autocompleteurl": "http://localhost:8080/rest/api/latest/user/search?username=", "control": "required", "attribute": "reporter", "position": "0007", "title": "Reporter", "type": "user" }, { "autocompleteurl": "http://localhost:8080/rest/api/latest/user/assignable/search?issueKey=null&username=", "attribute": "assignee", "position": "0008", "title": "Assignee", "type": "user" }, { "valuelist": [ { "valuedescription": "Highest", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/highest.svg", "value": "1" }, { "valuedescription": "High", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/high.svg", "value": "2" }, { "valuedescription": "Medium", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", "value": "3" }, { "valuedescription": "Low", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/low.svg", "value": "4" }, { "valuedescription": "Lowest", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/lowest.svg", "value": "5" } ], "attribute": "priority", "position": "0009", "title": "Priority", "type": "priority" }, { "autocompleteurl": "http://localhost:8080/rest/api/1.0/labels/suggest?query=", "attribute": "labels", "position": "0010", "title": "Labels", "type": "array" }, { "attribute": "timetracking", "position": "0011", "title": "Time Tracking", "type": "timetracking" } ] } } | |||||||
Create issue |
| ||||||
DescriptionCreates an issue in JIRA URL-Parameters
Request BodyThe Body is the returned Form of the POST Request | |||||||
Request edit issue form |
| ||||||
DescriptionReturns the form data required for editing an issue URL-Parameters
Request BodyNone Example Response{ "form": { "identity": "DP-2", "type": "ISSUE", "title": "Edit Issue", "actions": [ { "method": "PUT", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/form/issue/DP-2", "title": "Save ISSUE" } ], "key": "/issue/DP-2", "attributevalues": [ { "control": "required", "attribute": "summary", "position": "0001", "title": "Summary", "type": "string", "value": "New App for extended REST API" }, { "valuelist": [ { "valuedescription": "Aufgabe", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/secure/viewavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10318&avatarType=issuetype", "value": "10002" } ], "control": "required,readonly", "attribute": "issuetype", "position": "0002", "title": "Issue Type", "type": "issuetype", "value": "10002" }, { "valuelist": [], "attribute": "components", "position": "0003", "title": "Component/s", "type": "array" }, { "control": "readonly", "attribute": "attachment", "position": "0004", "title": "Attachment", "type": "array" }, { "attribute": "duedate", "position": "0005", "title": "Due Date", "type": "date", "value": "" }, { "attribute": "description", "position": "0006", "title": "Description", "type": "string", "value": "We need a new App that extends the REST API.\r\nFurther details will be discussed in a personal meeting.\r\n" }, { "autocompleteurl": "http://localhost:8080/rest/api/latest/user/search?username=", "control": "required", "attribute": "reporter", "position": "0007", "title": "Reporter", "type": "user", "value": "JIRAUSER10000" }, { "autocompleteurl": "http://localhost:8080/rest/api/latest/user/assignable/search?issueKey=DP-2&username=", "attribute": "assignee", "position": "0008", "title": "Assignee", "type": "user" }, { "valuelist": [ { "valuedescription": "Highest", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/highest.svg", "value": "1" }, { "valuedescription": "High", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/high.svg", "value": "2" }, { "valuedescription": "Medium", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg", "value": "3" }, { "valuedescription": "Low", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/low.svg", "value": "4" }, { "valuedescription": "Lowest", "icon": "http://localhost:8080/images/icons/priorities/lowest.svg", "value": "5" } ], "attribute": "priority", "position": "0009", "title": "Priority", "type": "priority", "value": "3" }, { "autocompleteurl": "http://localhost:8080/rest/api/1.0/labels/suggest?query=", "attribute": "labels", "position": "0010", "title": "Labels", "type": "array" }, { "attribute": "timetracking", "position": "0011", "title": "Time Tracking", "type": "timetracking" } ] } } | |||||||
Save changes to issue |
| ||||||
DescriptionSaves changes to issue URL-Parameters
Request BodyThe Body is the returned Form of the POST request |
Get create worklog form (planned feature) |
DescriptionFeature is not yet available. URL-ParametersRequest Body | |
Save create worklog form (planned feature) |
DescriptionFeature is not yet available. URL-ParametersRequest Body |
Get transition form |
DescriptionTo perform a transition operation, the first step is to request the transition form. URL-ParametersNone Request BodyNone Example Response{ "form": { "identity": "TRANSITION", "type": "OPERATION", "title": "Transition form", "actions": [{ "method": "PUT", "source": "", "title": "Do Transition" }], "key": "/operation/TRANSITION", "attributevalues": [{ "control": "required", "attribute": "transitionId", "position": "0001", "type": "string", "title": "Transition Id", "value": "" }, { "control": "required", "attribute": "issueKey", "position": "0002", "type": "string", "title": "Issue Key", "value": "" }, { "control": "required", "attribute": "mode", "position": "0003", "type": "string", "title": "Mode", "value": "sync" }, { "attribute": "fields", "position": "0004", "type": "json", "title": "" }] } } | |
Execute transition |
DescriptionThe returned form data from the "request transition form" command has 4 attributes. That 4 attributes have to be provided to execute the Transition-Operation in the universal interface:
If the transition was successful we receive the following message: SUCCESS URL-ParametersNone Request BodyThe Body is the returned Form of the POST request Example Request Body{ "form": { "identity": "TRANSITION", "type": "OPERATION", "title": "Transition form", "actions": [{ "method": "PUT", "source": "", "title": "Do Transition form" }], "key": "/operation/TRANSITION", "attributevalues": [{ "control": "required", "attribute": "transitionId", "position": "0001", "type": "string", "title": "Transition Id", "value": "31" }, { "control": "required", "attribute": "issueKey", "position": "0002", "type": "string", "title": "Issue Key", "value": "SOL-49" }, { "control": "required", "attribute": "mode", "position": "0003", "type": "string", "title": "Mode", "value": "sync" }, { "attribute": "fields", "position": "0004", "type": "json", "title": "Fields" }] } } |
List all available activity patterns |
| |||
DescriptionLists all available activity patterns. Currently the only pattern is CALLBACK URL-ParametersNone Request BodyNone Example Response{ "list": [ { "identity": "CALLBACK", "type": "ACTIVITYPATTERN", "title": "Callback", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/activitypattern/callback", "title": "Get Callback" } ], "key": "/activitypattern/callback" } ] } | ||||
List all available application objects (planned feature) |
| |||
DescriptionFeature is not yet available. URL-ParametersRequest Body | ||||
List all available operation |
| |||
DescriptionLists all available operation
URL-ParametersNone Request BodyNone. Example Response{ "list": [ { "identity": "TRANSITION", "type": "OPERATION", "title": "Transition", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/operation/transition", "title": "Get Transition" } ], "key": "/operation/transition" }, { "identity": "CREATE_ISSUE", "type": "OPERATION", "title": "Create_issue", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/operation/create_issue", "title": "Get Create_issue" } ], "key": "/operation/create_issue" }, { "identity": "UPDATE_ISSUE", "type": "OPERATION", "title": "Update_issue", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/operation/update_issue", "title": "Get Update_issue" } ], "key": "/operation/update_issue" } ] } | ||||
List all available event patterns |
| |||
DescriptionLists all available opeartions. URL-ParametersNone Request BodyNone Example Response{ "list": [ { "identity": "ALL", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "All", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/all", "title": "Get All" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/all" }, { "identity": "ISSUECREATED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Issuecreated", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/issuecreated", "title": "Get Issuecreated" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/issuecreated" }, { "identity": "ISSUEUPDATED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Issueupdated", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/issueupdated", "title": "Get Issueupdated" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/issueupdated" }, { "identity": "ISSUEDELETED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Issuedeleted", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/issuedeleted", "title": "Get Issuedeleted" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/issuedeleted" }, { "identity": "WORKLOGCREATED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Worklogcreated", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/worklogcreated", "title": "Get Worklogcreated" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/worklogcreated" }, { "identity": "WORKLOGUPDATED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Worklogupdated", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/worklogupdated", "title": "Get Worklogupdated" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/worklogupdated" }, { "identity": "WORKLOGDELETED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Worklogdeleted", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/worklogdeleted", "title": "Get Worklogdeleted" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/worklogdeleted" }, { "identity": "COMMENTCREATED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Commentcreated", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/commentcreated", "title": "Get Commentcreated" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/commentcreated" }, { "identity": "COMMENTUPDATED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Commentupdated", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/commentupdated", "title": "Get Commentupdated" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/commentupdated" }, { "identity": "COMMENTDELETED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Commentdeleted", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/commentdeleted", "title": "Get Commentdeleted" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/commentdeleted" }, { "identity": "ISSUEMOVED", "type": "EVENTPATTERN", "title": "Issuemoved", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/eventpattern/issuemoved", "title": "Get Issuemoved" } ], "key": "/eventpattern/issuemoved" } ] } | ||||
List all available issues of a given project (planned feature) |
| |||
DescriptionFeature is not yet available. URL-ParametersRequest Body | ||||
List all available issuetypes |
| |||
DescriptionLists all available issuetypes URL-ParametersNone Request BodyNone Example Response{ "list": [ { "identity": "10002", "type": "ISSUETYPE", "title": "Aufgabe", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/issuetype/10002", "title": "Get Aufgabe" } ], "key": "/issuetype/10002" }, { "identity": "10003", "type": "ISSUETYPE", "title": "Unteraufgabe", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/issuetype/10003", "title": "Get Unteraufgabe" } ], "key": "/issuetype/10003" }, { "identity": "10000", "type": "ISSUETYPE", "title": "Epic", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/issuetype/10000", "title": "Get Epic" } ], "key": "/issuetype/10000" }, { "identity": "10001", "type": "ISSUETYPE", "title": "Story", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/issuetype/10001", "title": "Get Story" } ], "key": "/issuetype/10001" } ] } | ||||
List all available issues in one Project |
| |||
DescriptionLists all issues for a given project key. URL-Parameters
Request BodyNone Example Respone{ "list": [ { "identity": "DP-1", "type": "ISSUE", "title": "Workflow change", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/issue/DP-1", "title": "Get Workflow change" } ], "key": "/issue/DP-1", "status": "To Do" }, { "identity": "DP-2", "type": "ISSUE", "title": "New App for extended REST API", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/issue/DP-2", "title": "Get New App for extended REST API" } ], "key": "/issue/DP-2", "status": "To Do" } ] } | ||||
List all available projects (planned feature) |
| |||
DescriptionFeature is not yet available. URL-ParametersRequest Body | ||||
List all available worklogs of one issue (planned feature) |
| |||
DescriptionFeature is not yet available. URL-Parameters
Request BodyExample Response{ "list": [ { "identity": 10000, "type": "WORKLOG", "title": "WORKLOG-10000", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/worklog/10000", "title": "Get WORKLOG-10000" } ], "key": "/worklog/10000" } ] } | ||||
List all available Eventtypes |
| |||
DescriptionLists all available Eventtypes. URL-ParametersRequest BodyNone Example Response{ "list": [ { "identity": 1, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Created", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/1", "title": "Get Issue Created" } ], "key": "/project/1" }, { "identity": 2, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Updated", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/2", "title": "Get Issue Updated" } ], "key": "/project/2" }, { "identity": 3, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Assigned", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/3", "title": "Get Issue Assigned" } ], "key": "/project/3" }, { "identity": 4, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Resolved", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/4", "title": "Get Issue Resolved" } ], "key": "/project/4" }, { "identity": 5, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Closed", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/5", "title": "Get Issue Closed" } ], "key": "/project/5" }, { "identity": 6, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Commented", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/6", "title": "Get Issue Commented" } ], "key": "/project/6" }, { "identity": 14, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Comment Edited", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/14", "title": "Get Issue Comment Edited" } ], "key": "/project/14" }, { "identity": 17, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Comment Deleted", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/17", "title": "Get Issue Comment Deleted" } ], "key": "/project/17" }, { "identity": 7, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Reopened", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/7", "title": "Get Issue Reopened" } ], "key": "/project/7" }, { "identity": 8, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Deleted", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/8", "title": "Get Issue Deleted" } ], "key": "/project/8" }, { "identity": 9, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Moved", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/9", "title": "Get Issue Moved" } ], "key": "/project/9" }, { "identity": 10, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Work Logged On Issue", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/10", "title": "Get Work Logged On Issue" } ], "key": "/project/10" }, { "identity": 11, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Work Started On Issue", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/11", "title": "Get Work Started On Issue" } ], "key": "/project/11" }, { "identity": 12, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Work Stopped On Issue", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/12", "title": "Get Work Stopped On Issue" } ], "key": "/project/12" }, { "identity": 15, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Worklog Updated", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/15", "title": "Get Issue Worklog Updated" } ], "key": "/project/15" }, { "identity": 16, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Issue Worklog Deleted", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/16", "title": "Get Issue Worklog Deleted" } ], "key": "/project/16" }, { "identity": 13, "type": "PROJECT", "title": "Generic Event", "actions": [ { "method": "POST", "source": "http://localhost:8080/rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/object/detail/project/13", "title": "Get Generic Event" } ], "key": "/project/13" } ] } |