Provided Validators - v7.1.1.1
The following validators are provided by catWorkX Bitbucket Integrations:
[cwx] Bitbucket Application Link OAuth Validator
Validates if a user is authenticated for a given application link.
Required information:
- Application Link: Select the application link to your Bitbucket application.
The [cwx] Bitbucket Application Link OAuth Validator has to be added before you add any other validators from this add-on.
[cwx] Bitbucket Repository Name Validator
Validates that a repository name in a given project is not already used.
Required information:
- Application Link: Select the application link to your Bitbucket application.
- Project Field: Select the "CWX Bitbucket Project Picker" custom field where the Bitbucket project is stored.
- Repository Name Field: Select the custom field where the name of the Bitbucket repository is stored.