Provided New Custom Field Types - v7.1.1.1
The following custom field types are provided by catWorkX Bitbucket Integrations:
CWX Bitbucket Project Picker
A custom field to pick for projects in Bitbucket. Therefor the primary application link is used.
This custom field does not require any configurations.
In view mode, the "[cwx] Bitbucket Project Picker" field displays the picked project as link.
The first time a user tries to create a new repository, he has to authorize in Bitbucket. In the screen dialog the custom field displays a link to access Bitbucket.
After selecting Please authorize Bitbucket access, the "Welcome to Bitbucket" dialog is displayed.
To authenticate, click Allow.
CWX Bitbucket Link Field (read-only)
A custom field displaying a link to a Bitbucket repository. This repository has to be created by the "[cwx] Create Bitbucket Repository" post-function
This custom field does not require any configurations.
In view mode, the "[cwx] Single Issue Picker" field displays a link to the repository in Bitbucket.