Installation - v6.4.6.0

At the moment, you can obtain the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on as JAR file only directly from catWorkX.

Content of this section:

Install Add-On

To install the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on, do the following on the JIRA server:

  1. Log into the JIRA server as administrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select Add-ons.
  3. By default, you should see Atlassian Marketplace for JIRA dialog in the right frame. Select Manage add-ons in the side bar on the left.
  4. Select Upload add-on.
  5. Browse for the JAR file and select it.
  6. In the "Upload add-on" dialog, select Upload.
  7. In the confirmation dialog, select Close.

    catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor should be listed in the list "User-installed add-ons".
  8. If you click the Reload button in your Web browser, you should see a section "FCEd Administration Section" in the sidebar on the left that contains a  FCEd Admin Page link.

Uninstall Add-On

To uninstall the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on, do the following on the JIRA server:

  1. Log into the JIRA server as administrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select Add-ons.
  3. In the left column, select Manage add-ons.
  4. By default the user-installed add-ons are listed in the right frame. The catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor should be listed.
  5. From the add-on list, select catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor.
  6. To uninstall the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on, select Uninstall.
  7. To confirm, click Uninstall add-on in the confirmation dialog.
  8. The add-on is removed and a confirmation should appear on the "User-installed add-ons" list.
  9. If you click the Reload button in your Web browser, the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor should be removed from the list of "User-installed add-ons".

Disable/Enable Add-On

Disable Add-On

To disable catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor, do the following on the JIRA server:

  1. Log into the JIRA server as administrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select Add-ons.
  3. In the left side bar, select Manage add-ons.
  4. By default the user-installed add-ons are listed in the right frame. The catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on should be listed.
  5. From the add-on list, select catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor.
  6. To disable the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on, click Disable.
  7. To indicate that the add-on is disabled, the font of the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor entry in add-on list changed from black to gray.
    An "Enable" button should appear.

Enable Add-On

To enable a disabled catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on, do the following on the JIRA server:

  1. Log into the JIRA server as administrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select Add-ons.
  3. In the left side bar, select Manage add-ons.
  4. By default the user-installed add-ons are listed in the right frame. The catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on should be listed.
  5. From the add-on list, select catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor.
  6. To enable the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor add-on, click Enable.
  7. To indicate that the add-on is enabled, the font of the catWorkX Bulk Field Configuration Editor entry in add-on list changed from gray to black.
    An "Disable" button should appear.