Feature comparison Jira Server/Data Center vs. Cloud

(tick) = Feature is available

(warning) = Feature is in development or planed

(error) = Feature is missing

FeatureJira Server/DCJira CloudNote

Single issue operations(tick)(tick)

Multi issue operations

(tick)(error)Deprecated in the Jira Server/DC version and replaced by the Iterate over issues or other items step
Execute operations as a specific user(tick)(tick)
Operation triggers

Operations can contain multiple triggers(tick)(tick)
Trigger operation from a post function(tick)(tick)
Trigger operation by an issue event(tick)(tick)
Manually trigger operation(tick)(tick)
Trigger operation via REST API(tick)(tick)
User input for manual operations

Generic user input(tick)(tick)
Target Confluence page(tick)(tick)
Jira Issue(s)(tick)(tick)
Operation steps

Operations can contain multiple steps(tick)(tick)
Create or update Confluence pages or blogs(tick)(tick)
Update field value macros on page(tick)(tick)
Move page(tick)(tick)
Copy or move attachments to Confluence(tick)(tick)
Copy or delete attachments from Confluence(tick)(tick)
Add or set page restrictions(tick)(tick)

Set page property

Set field value(tick)(tick)
Create a comment(tick)(tick)
Create web link(tick)(tick)

Set issue property

Send Email(tick)(warning)
Send web request(tick)(tick)
Retrieve file using web request(tick)(tick)
Create a PDF file(tick)(tick)
Create a text based file(tick)(tick)
Create a ZIP file(tick)(error)
Iterate over issues or other items(tick)(tick)
Templates (for Confluence pages)

Storage Format Templates(tick)(tick)
Templates from Confluence Pages(tick)(tick)
Variable replacementsee also heresee also here

Issue related variables

User related variables(tick)(tick)
Assets/Insight related variables(tick)(tick)

Audit log(tick)(tick)

Import and export configuration

Post functions

Publish Issue Using Operation(tick)(tick)
Publish Issue(tick)(error)Deprecated in the Jira Server/DC version and replaced by the Publish Issue Using Operation post function
Companion app

Issue Publisher Macros app(tick)(tick)