Provided New Custom Field Types

The following custom field type is provided by catworkx Portfolio Management for Jira:

[cwx-ppm] Issue KPI Field

Displays the number of issues in a project. This custom field is only available in view screens.

Configuration options:

  • JQL: Enter a JQL query that determines which issues will be counted.

The "[cwx-ppm] Issue KPI Field" is read only and displays a number.

The number is displayed as a link. If you click the link, the search results of the JQL query is displayed.

In the JQL query, you can use  variables in replacement syntax, e.g. $!fieldHelper.getValueAsString("components"). Click the question mark at the right to display a list of the available variables.

Before you can use the [cwx-ppm] Issue KPI Field custom field, you have to configure it.

[cwx-ppm] Project by category

Displays projects by category, by setting the metadata key <customfieldName>_projectCategory to the name of the project category. The category is provided by the catworkx Project Metadata add-on.


  • Projects with metadata and categories

In view mode, the "[cwx-ppm] Project by category" field displays a link to the selected project.

[cwx-ppm] Project Category Selector

A single select list of project categories.


  • Projects with categories

In view mode, the "[cwx-ppm] Project Category Selector" field displays the selected category.

[cwx-ppm] Earliest date in issue hierarchy

This field calculates and displays the earliest date in the hierarchy of a mapped linking type.

In view mode, the "[cwx-ppm] Earliest date in issue hierarchy" field displays the earliest date.

[cwx-ppm] Latest date in issue hierarchy

This field calculates and displays the latest date in the hierarchy of a mapped linking type.

In view mode, the "[cwx-ppm] Latest date in issue hierarchy" field displays the latest date.

[cwx-ppm] Summed time over issue hierarchy

This field sum up and displays the times in the hierarchy of a mapped linking type.

In view mode, the "[cwx-ppm] Summed time over issue hierarchy" field displays the summed time.

[cwx-ppm] Sumup JQL Field

This field sums and displays the values of a specified number field for all issues that match a JQL query.

The "[cwx-ppm] Sumup JQL Field" is read-only and displays a number.

Before you can use the [cwx-ppm] Sumup JQL Field custom field, you have to configure it.

[cwx-ppm] Time Tracking Sumup Field

This field sums and displays the time tracking values for all issues that match a JQL query.

The "[cwx-ppm] Time Tracking Sumup Field" is read-only and displays the time-tracking statistics.

Before you can use the [cwx-ppm] Time Tracking Sumup Field custom field, you have to configure it.

[cwx-ppm] Chart Field

This field displays a chart about criterias of a JQL query.

The "[cwx-ppm] Chart Field" is read only and displays a chart. The type of chart can be configured.

  • Pie chart
  • Progress bar chart

If you click on a segment in the chart, the corresponding issues are listed.

Before you can use the [cwx-ppm] Chart Field custom field, you have to configure it.

[cwx-ppm] Project Picker (multi-picker) Field

This field can contain multiple project links.

In view mode, the "[cwx-ppm] Project Role Picker Field" field displays the selected projects as links.

[cwx-ppm] Project Role Picker Field

Use this picker field to select a Jira role.

In view mode, the "[cwx-ppm] Project Role Picker Field" field displays the selected project role.

[cwx-ppm] Single Attachment Selector Field

Select one (or none) of the attachments of the current issue.

In view mode, the selected attachment is displayed, unless "None" had been selected, in that case the field does not display anything.