Complex Mapping Functions Example

Teamworkx OTRS Integration for Jira also allows a more complex field mapping. This can be useful in the following cases:

  • Map linear values to a nonlinear scale
  • Update more than one Jira value based on one OTRS value
  • Update one Jira value based on multiple OTRS values

To do a complex mapping, functions have to be implemented separately.

See the demo package under Downloads.

Read the following:

General Configuration

A function can be used either on the left or on the right hand side of the mapping table:

The syntax is as follows:

  • call: Prefix to tell the mapping it is a function
  • Perl::Path: Module's Perl package
  • Module: odule's name
  • functionName: Name of the function to call inside of the module


Left Hand Side Functions

Functions called on the left hand side, the function mapOTRSOptionFieldDemoUser2JIRAAssignee in the screenshot above, will be passed three parameters:

  1. $TicketJIRAObj: An Instance of Kernel::System::TicketJIRA
  2. $fieldmapping: The entries from the SysConfig: TicketJIRA###OTRS-JIRA-FieldMapping
  3. %Ticket: An instance of Kernel::System::Ticket::Article
my ($TicketJIRAObj, $fieldmapping, %Ticket) = @_;

Right Hand Side Functions

Functions called on the right hand side, the function mapOTRSOptionToJIRAOption in the screenshot above, will be passed four parameters:

  1. $TicketJIRAObj: An Instance of Kernel::System::TicketJIRA
  2. $val: The value as obtained by the left hand side of the mapping
  3. $fields: A Hash of key => values for Jira, e.g.:

    Example of fields
    	project       => { key => "ASDF" },
    	issuetype     => { name => "Bug" },
    	summary       => "Title from the Article",
    	description   => "The multi line Body of the Article",
    	reporter      => { name => "Reporter" },
    	assignee      => { name => "Assignee" },
    	customfield_12345  => "Value",
        customfield_12346  => 42,
  4. %Ticket: An instance of Kernel::System::Ticket::Article

    my ($TicketJIRAObj, $val, $fields, %Ticket) = @_;

Example Code

A Complete example of a installable OTRS package (OPM) is available at

This package actually makes use of additional settings that are defined in an included XML file.

Feel free to explore the examples included therein.

Strictly speaking you can do anything, even just create a value to be send to Jira for a special field.

Mapping Configuration Example


Function Example

package call:Douglas::Adams;

use strict;

sub answer {
	my ($TicketJIRAObj, $fieldmapping, %Ticket) = @_; // ignored in this example anyway
	return 42; // this is the only important answer anyway :-)