Display Dynamic Fields in the Ticket Zoom Screen

To display dynamic fields in the ticket zoom screen, do the following as OTRS administrator:

  1. In the OTRS dashboard, select the Admin tab.
  2. In the Admin tab, select System Configuration in the "Administration" section.

    The "System Configuration" dialog appears.
  3. In the search field, search for Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom###DynamicField.
    The "Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom###DynamicField" dynamic field is displayed.

    Note that the "JIRAIssueID" dynamic field is added automatically to the ticket zoom screen during the installation of the OTRS package of catworkx OTRS Integration for Jira.

  4. To add all OTRS ticket fields you want to map to Jira issue fields by moving the mouse pointer on the field entry...

    ... and clicking on Edit this setting.
  5. Add all OTRS ticket fields you want to map to Jira issue fields by clicking the plus button.
  6. Click the check mark on the right to activate your changes.