Provided Actions - v70.40.8.5

JIRA provides two issue actions for creating and commenting of OTRS tickets:

Create OTRS Ticket

This action creates an OTRS ticket from the current JIRA issue and copies the values of the configured custom fields to the mapped OTRS dynamic fields.

Requirements to use this action:

  • CUSTOMFIELD_OTRS_QUEUE, CUSTOMFIELD_OTRS_CUSTOMER: In order to create OTRS tickets, a customer and ticket queue is mandatory. These OTRS fields can be mapped to configurable JIRA custom fields. The Create OTRS ticket dialogue will be pre-filled with values from those fields.
  • CREATE_OTRS_TICKET_ACTION_IS_ACTIVE: This option controls whether the action is enabled or not.
  • CREATE_OTRS_TICKET_ACTION_IS_READONLY: This option is used to set the OTRS customer and queue to read-only.

OTRS Comment

Created an OTRS comment. You can enter the subject and the comment itself.

No configurations required to use this action