Provided Post-Functions - v70.40.8.5
The following post-functions are provided by catWorkX OTRS Integration for JIRA:
[cwx] Create Otrs Ticket Postfunction
This post-function is used to create a ticket in OTRS.
Required Information:
- Queue: Select the custom field where the OTRS queue is stored.
- Customer: Select the custom field where the OTRS customer is stored.
Field to function parameter mapping:
[cwx] Update Otrs Ticket Postfunction
This post-function is used to update a ticket in OTRS.
Required Information:
- Queue: Select the checkbox if you want to update the OTRS queue and enter the queue to which the ticket should be set.
- State: Select the checkbox if you want to update the OTRS state and enter the state (name or ID) to which the ticket should be set.
- Mapping: Select the checkbox to update all fields of the mappings. This will overwrite the above values if they are also in the mapping.
Field to function parameter mapping: