Modify & Test Account

Every account has three actions:

  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Test Connection

You can find them on the right of the account entry.

To Edit an account do the following:

  1. Select Account Registry in the "Teamworkx Connector" section.
  2. Select Edit on the right of your account.
  3. Change the values.
  4. Select Save.

To Delete an account do the following:

  1. Select Account Registry in the "Teamworkx Connector" section.
  2. Select Delete on the right of your account.

To Test the Connection of an account do the following:

  1. Select Account Registry in the "Teamworkx Connector" section.
  2. Select Test Connection on the right of your account
  3. You will receive a REST call result with meta data regarding the account.
  4. If your connection is successful your result contains:
    • body=account is valid

    • statusCode=200

The "Test Connection" link is only available if the Test Path parameter is set.