Get the Form to Register for an Event

We need the form to register for an event from the universal interface. Use the POST call. It is defined as followed:

POST: /rest/cwx-sol-rest/latest/sol/aob/event/form/<eventname>

Where <eventname> is the name of the event that is called.

Furthermore, you have to send the account you are refering to in the REST header using cwx-sol-account.

Example curl command:

curl -u admin:admin -X POST -H 'User-Agent: x' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'cwx-sol-account: C958FC77-D1BC-4166-8B72-37333F85270D' -i ''

The JSON data output looks like this:


{"form":{"identity":"EVENT","type":"EXTERNAL_EVENT","title":"Event form","key":"/event/ISSUECREATED","attributevalues":[{"control":"required","attribute":"MODE","position":"0001","type":"string","title":"Mode","value":"async"},{"control":"required","attribute":"OBJECTKEY","position":"0002","type":"String","title":"Remote Object Key"}]}}

For Jira the form looks like this:

  "form": {
    "identity": "EVENT",
    "type": "EXTERNAL_EVENT",
    "title": "Event form",
    "key": "/event/ISSUECREATED",
    "attributevalues": [
      "control": "required",
      "attribute": "MODE",
      "position": "0001",
      "type": "string",
      "title": "Mode",
      "value": "async"
      "control": "required",
      "attribute": "OBJECTKEY",
      "position": "0002",
      "type": "String",
      "title": "Remote Object Key",
      "value": "/issue/$issueKey$"

The value attribute of the OBJECTKEY needs to be set manually.

The value attribute of the OBJECTKEY should be /issue/<issueKey> of the affected issue therefore you can use the variable $issueKey$ which will be replaced by the key of the issue that causes the event.