
Select Settings in the "Teamworkx Connector" section in the app configuration.
The "Settings" dialog is displayed.

The dialog has the following sections:


In the "General" section, enter the following:

  • Escalation E-Mail: This setting is used to escalate problems to a specific email address.

    Currently no functionality is implemented.

  • Top Menue: When this checkbox is checked and submitted you will get the Teamworkx Connector for Jira menu in your Jira top navigation bar.

    This TWX Connector menu is only visible to Jira administrators.

Download Configuration as JSON

In this section you can download your current configuration of the Teamworkx Connector as JSON file. The download will contain the following information:

  • accounts
  • handler
  • eventMappings
  • operationSchemes
  • mappingEntries
  • valueMappings

{    "accounts":[       {
         "description":"Add a customized description here",
      "accountId" : "C958FC77-D1BC-4166-8B72-37333F85270D",
      "projectKey" : "DEV",
      "issueTypeId" : "10004",
      "eventPattern" : "ISSUEUPDATED",
      "eventTypeId" : "2",
      "activityPattern" : "CALLBACK",
      "data" : "{\"path\":\"/aob/event/form/JIRA_8.6.1_ISSUE_UPDATE\",\"method\":\"PUT\",\"body\":\"{\\\"form\\\": {\\\"identity\\\": \\\"EVENT\\\",\\\"type\\\": \\\"EXTERNAL_EVENT\\\",\\\"title\\\": \\\"Event form\\\",\\\"key\\\": \\\"/event/JIRA_8.6.1_ISSUE_UPDATE\\\",\\\"attributevalues\\\":      [{\\\"control\\\": \\\"required\\\",\\\"attribute\\\": \\\"MODE\\\",\\\"position\\\": \\\"0001\\\",\\\"type\\\": \\\"string\\\",\\\"title\\\": \\\"Mode\\\",\\\"value\\\": \\\"sync\\\"},{\\\"control\\\": \\\"required\\\",\\\"attribute\\\": \\\"OBJECTKEY\\\",\\\"position\\\": \\\"0002\\\",\\\"type\\\":      \\\"String\\\",\\\"title\\\": \\\"Remote Object Key\\\",\\\"value\\\": \\\"/issue/$issueKey$\\\"}]}}\"}",
      "customerRef" : "JIRA_8.6.1_ISSUE_UPDATE"
   }, {
      "accountId" : "C958FC77-D1BC-4166-8B72-37333F85270D",
      "projectKey" : "DEV",
      "issueTypeId" : "10004",
      "eventPattern" : "ISSUECREATED",
      "eventTypeId" : "1",
      "activityPattern" : "CALLBACK",
      "data" : "{\"path\":\"/aob/event/form/JIRA_8.6.1_ISSUE_CREATE\",\"method\":\"PUT\",\"body\":\"{\\\"form\\\": {\\\"identity\\\": \\\"EVENT\\\",\\\"type\\\": \\\"EXTERNAL_EVENT\\\",\\\"title\\\": \\\"Event form\\\",\\\"key\\\": \\\"/event/JIRA_8.6.1_ISSUE_CREATE\\\",\\\"attributevalues\\\":      [{\\\"control\\\": \\\"required\\\",\\\"attribute\\\": \\\"MODE\\\",\\\"position\\\": \\\"0001\\\",\\\"type\\\": \\\"string\\\",\\\"title\\\": \\\"Mode\\\",\\\"value\\\": \\\"sync\\\"},{\\\"control\\\": \\\"required\\\",\\\"attribute\\\": \\\"OBJECTKEY\\\",\\\"position\\\": \\\"0002\\\",\\\"type\\\":      \\\"String\\\",\\\"title\\\": \\\"Remote Object Key\\\",\\\"value\\\": \\\"/issue/$issueKey$\\\"}]}}\"}",
      "customerRef" : "JIRA_8.6.1_ISSUE_CREATE"
   } ],
   "eventMappings":[       {
   "operationSchemes":[       {
   "mappingEntries":[       {
   "valueMappings":[       {

Configuration Upload

You can upload your Teamworkx Connector configuration from JSON file. During Upload you are able to configure:

  • Import Account Options
    • Delete all existing accounts before import. (This will automatically delete all event handlers too. An event handler needs an account at any time.)
    • (New accounts found in the JSON file will be added. Matching the account ID.)

    • (Updates the account matching the account ID.)

  • Import Event Handlers Options
    • (New event handlers found in the JSON file will be added. Matching the account ID and customer reference.)

    • (Updates the event handlers matching the account ID and customer reference.)

  • Import Operation Data
    • Replace all existing operation data with data from file. This includes: Operation Schemes, Event Mappings, Mapping Entries, Value Mappings. (Making a backup before is recommended.)

After the import is finished, you can check the Import Log for a summary about the changes that took place.

Outgoing Queue

This queue contains all pending outgoing-events. The handling of events is executed once a minute.

If you want to delete an event, simply press the Delete action before the event is handled.

Incoming Queue

This queue contains all pending incoming-events. The handling of events is executed once a minute.

If you want to delete an event, simply press the Delete action before the event is handled.