Change the location of adxloader.log


Outlook Integration for JIRA on Outlook start creates a file adxloader.log in the directory Documents\Add-in Express\. For any reason, you want to change the location of adxloader.log file.


Do the following to change the location of adxloader.log:

  1. Create a backup of the file Documents\AppData\Local\catworkx GmbH\Outlook Integration for Jira\adxloader.dll.manifest
  2. Ensure you have administrator access, and edit the file adxloader.dll.manifest with an text editor of your choice.
  3. Add the tag <logFileLocation> as shown in the following lines:

    <loaderSettings generateLogFile="true" shadowCopyEnabled="false" privileges="user" configFileName="App.config" >

    Alternatively, you can set the parameter generateLogFile to false if you do not need a log file:

    <loaderSettings generateLogFile="false" shadowCopyEnabled="false" privileges="user" configFileName="App.config" >
  4. Save the file and close your text editor.